Treat your Shoulder Pain with a Chiropractor in Stillwater

Treat your Shoulder Pain with a Chiropractor in Stillwater

Shoulder pain can limit your ability to work, drive, sleep, or do your favorite activities without experiencing pain. Our chiropractor offers shoulder pain treatment in Stillwater that uses natural methods to get you back to wellness. Learn how our Stillwater chiropractor treats shoulder pain. 

man suffering from shoulder pain

Causes & Symptoms of Shoulder Pain

Since the shoulder is composed of several different joints, there are more moving parts to irritate or injure, and thus more causes to rule out. 

Many people experience shoulder pain after an auto accident or a sports injury. Others hurt their shoulder with improper lifting techniques or by overusing the muscles in the shoulder. 

Acute or chronic tendonitis is a major cause of shoulder pain, as are tears in the tendon. 

Symptoms of shoulder pain include pain, inflammation, reduced range of motion, and difficulty lifting the arms above the head to perform daily tasks. 

How Our Stillwater Chiropractor Treats Shoulder Pain 

Our chiropractor in Stillwater combines the following treatment methods to relieve shoulder pain: 

  • Chiropractic care - Chiropractic care allows us to restore the alignment of the shoulder joints and ligaments. This relieves pain and inflammation and allows your shoulder to begin healing. 
  • Massage therapy - Massage therapy not only feels good on achy muscles, it promotes better circulation and releases endorphins that help you feel better. If you have bruised, swollen, or damaged soft tissue around the shoulder, this will help. 
  • Sports injury treatment - If you were injured playing sports, then sports injury treatment will play a role in your recovery. This means stabilizing your shoulder using the other methods, then introducing stretching and strengthening exercises, so you build back lost strength and range of motion. 
  • Lifestyle advice - During your treatment, our chiropractor in Stillwater will pass along lifestyle advice designed to help you avoid injuries and stay healthy. 

Get Shoulder Pain Treatment in Stillwater

Are you ready to get shoulder pain treatment in Stillwater? We are accepting new patients now, so don't delay in setting up your appointment. Reserve your initial visit online or call our clinic at 651-430-2727.


8:00 am - 5:00 pm




8:00 am - 5:00 pm




8:00 am - 5:00 pm



